data management

Data is central to all organisations big and small but making sense of it can be a real headache. We know that making the right decision at the right time is crucial for the growth of the business. TFC Solutions is an Australian consultancy that provides Big Data Integration, analytics and performance related services which enhance your ability to report, utilising business intelligence, insights and performance tailored to your company’s needs. We can analyse your existing data, systems & architecture, and propose a journey to unlock the power of your data.

what we do

data quality & governance

Most organisations have disparate data stored in various formats. This can often lead to unreliable and inconsistent appraisals of the business – which can, at the very least, result in miscommunications, and at worst, bad decision making based on information being viewed incorrectly. Working with your existing data architecture, we evaluate your business requirements and build or customise a road map encompassing automated real-time data pipelines, with real-time data marts for self service analytics under your control.

journey to cloud

Increase your company’s productivity, efficiency, scalability, and security by adopting a move to cloud.
We specialize in developing robust, scalable cloud architectures and integration layers that communicate quickly and reliably with all types of business platforms.
We develop and manage your cloud applications with the right tools, providing you with the resources you need at high speed.
Eliminate the costs of setup, execution and maintenance of your data server by using proven cloud-hosted tools.

erp data migration

TFC provides a wholistic approach enabling business data owners to manage and drive the S/4HANA data migration process.
Placing the business in control ensures a smooth transition to S/4HANA, significantly de-risking project timelines and costs while maximising user acceptance and usability.
Leveraging partner technology solutions we work with your people to manages the entire end-to-end data migration process, from initial system scan right through to go-live and audit.